The Story Behind the Logo

The Borderless Cafe Logo

You may find yourself curious as to how we came up with our logo design?

It’s quite a shorty story.

Anthony and I both wanted something that reflected the happiness that our passions bring out in us.

The fork and knife reflects our eagerness to cook and eat the food presented to us. We both love the memories that come from eating food, through every bite you can be back on the top of that mountain in Austria, or back in your Abuelita’s kitchen. Many of the foods we enjoy making reflect either a childhood favorite or somewhere we’ve traveled.

The circle is a reflection of wholeness or completeness that we aim to have going into business as a married couple. Choosing to embrace each others strengths while reflecting love and happiness throughout.

The color yellow represents positivity and joy. With a quick glance, it almost looks like a sunflower which happens to be one of our favorite flowers.


I once read that sunflowers; “Bright and cheery, warm and inviting like the summer sun — Sunflowers represent adoration, loyalty and longevity. Known as “happy” flowers, sunflowers are the perfect gift to bring joy to someone’s day or as a treat for yourself.”

All of this combined you get our logo, reflecting our love for not only eating food, but cooking and being happy in the process.

If you’re anything like us you probably get a little angry when your hungry. (AKA - “hangry”) No one wants to be around a hangry person, am I right?

We do our best to avoid that with packing food with us when going on a road trip to keep ourselves in a good mood. Hence the “GOOD FOOD = GOOD MOOD” slogan you’ll find on many of our products.

Now that you know the story of our logo, stay tuned for the launch of our online store!

Bento Box: “Good Food = Good Mood”

Perfect for roadtrip snacks!


Apple Pie Contest


Peace, Love,& Baking: